Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
This upcoming week, we celebrate National Catholic Schools Week, and it’s an exciting time for our parish community! We are so blessed to have a parish school that adds so much life to our parish. As a priest, the school requires a great deal of work and attention, but it is truly one of the most rewarding aspects of being a pastor.
We are kicking off the week with our Open House on Sunday, and everyone is invited to attend! This weekend students will be at Masses in their uniforms, with some serving as greeters and lectors. At the end of Mass, a few students will share what St. Francis Xavier School means to them.
On Monday, January 27th, we will gather for our weekly school Mass at 9:00 AM in the church to thank God for the gift of our parish school. We’ll also pray for His continued guidance to remain authentically Catholic and true to our mission. All are welcome to join us for this special Mass.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support of our parish school. Together, let us celebrate the incredible blessings it brings to our community!
In Christ,
Fr. Ryan