I want to make you aware of two great ways you can help SFX School continue to thrive.
Benefit Banquet – May 2nd at SJN Hall
Preparations for our annual Benefit Banquet are in full swing! Right now, we are looking for companies to sponsor this big night. This is a huge opportunity for businesses to support the premier Catholic PreK-8 school on the South Coast. If you know someone who might be interested in sponsoring, please let us know!
We will also soon be collecting silent and live auction items. If you can contribute, please reach out to Mrs. Rogers. These could include gift baskets, experiences (like time at a rental property), or services from your business.
Ticket sale information will follow soon.
Housing for our Teachers
As we look ahead to next school year, we are often in need of housing for teachers. Catholic school teachers make wonderful tenants, and offering them a place to rent is a huge service to the cause of Catholic education. If you know of any available rentals, please reach out to me or Mrs. Rogers.