As you may have heard, Monsignor O’Connor, former pastor of St. Francis Xavier (2008-2017), now serving as Rector of St. Mary's Cathedral in Portland , OR, has been facing serious health challenges over the past several weeks.
In the upcoming Cathedral bulletin, he shared the following update:
My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I am writing this on Monday night so as to hit the bulletin deadline. I was released from hospital last Wednesday (after 2 weeks) and have to be on a self-administered IV antibiotic for about 1 month. For those of you who know these things: I was admitted to the hospital with necrotizing pneumonia; whilst there I got a staph infection (MRSA) which turned into a blood infection. Whilst we think the pneumonia is under control the blood infection is now what needs attention. So that is my plan for now. I also need to buildup my strength and work on my diet - after 2 weeks or so without any appetite or any real sleep you can imagine I’m very weak.
Thank you to all who have sent cards, notes, emails etc. - I appreciate your prayers - please keep them coming - still a long way to go.
God is Good! I am grateful to my brother priests who have stepped up to help out at Cathedral at this time. I am very grateful to those priests who have brought me Holy Communion during my time in the hospital and here at home. I am happy to say that yesterday I managed to say a private Mass and today also - which I offered for your intentions.
I will keep you informed of my progress - in the meantime please continue your prayers for God’s Will and a speedy recovery.
If you would like to email Monsignor O’Connor to tell him that you are praying for him or with a word of encouragement, you can reach him at: