Last weekend, in honor of the Novena of Grace (March 4-12), I displayed our first-class relic of St. Francis Xavier at all the Masses. A first-class relic means it is a piece of the saint himself—in this case a piece of bone. I unexpectedly discovered this relic last summer in the church basement, stored in a tote with old records, along with its certificate of authenticity in Latin, which I’ve included below with a translation.
I first displayed the relic for his feast day on December 3rd, mentioning it in the bulletin, but I’m grateful to share more about it with you here. In the fall, I ordered a beautiful reliquary from Italy to house it properly. Though it arrived only a few weeks ago, it came just in time for the Novena of Grace, allowing us to reverently display this treasured relic of our holy patron for years to come.
Fr. Bernardinus of Siena
Causes of the Servants of God, Order of Friars Minor Capuchin
Postulator General
To all who inspect this letter, we affirm and testify that we have received from authentic sources and have lawfully recognized a particle from the bones of St. Francis Xavier, Confessor.
We have reverently placed it in a metal case in the shape of a tube, enclosed in crystal, tied with silk thread inside, and sealed with our small seal in Spanish red wax. We have given this relic as a gift with the faculty to devoutly retain it, to give it to others, or to expose it for public veneration of the faithful, provided that permission is obtained from those with the proper authority.
We admonish the faithful, in whose hands these sacred relics now or in the future may come, that under no circumstances is it permitted to sell them or exchange them for anything that carries a monetary value.
In witness whereof, we have issued this letter, signed by our own hand, and secured with our greater seal, with instructions that it be faithfully kept together with the reliquary.
Given in Rome, at the General Curia
On the 5th day of May, in the year 1955
Fr. Bernardinus of Siena
Postulator General